Recent Dog training Graduate from Womelsdorf, PA

Recent dog training graduate, Daisy, from Womelsdorf, PA.

Here’s what Daisy’s owners had to say:

“Our labradoodle is a high energy dog. Even though we spent a lot of time training and working with our dog, she showed no respect when we were around other people and other dogs. Walking her was a real chore because of her pulling and distractions. We are seniors and I knew we had to resolve these issues. Since her stay Peacock, she has matured & now listens and respects us. We are so proud of her now and love the wonderful complements we get when we walk her wherever we are with her. Peacock is very experienced & well worth the fee we paid to have a wonderful, respectful dog for many years. The staff is dedicated and know the importance of a well trained dog. Now, we can take Daisy with us anywhere we go and not be concerned with distractions and misbehavior.”

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